
date: 5/30/2023

mood: fascist

i haven't figured out

what to use these for

First post. Not sure what to say here.

Well, I guess I should do introductions on the off chance that someone here is not from Twitter. I'm Tenshi, a terrible fascist, canadian, wannabe soldier who doesn't meet medical requirements, and NEET who sits around all day. I can't even be bothered to write my own HTMl for this website nor do I have any achievements to speak of. I also suck at cypersecurity so don't ask me for help in that department. I trust you all not to take that information and hack me. Also don't click the links yet, they don't lead anywhere except a 404 error page.

I used to run a blog here under Kakashi Spirit News, long before I was Tenshi, and cannot be bothered to change the name so ignore the canonical discrepancies.


This text is weird and I'm not sure what to use it for.

